2019 Resolutions and Destination Addiction

destination addiction travel ghana

This has to be the fastest January in the history of Januaries. I have barely been able to sit down and write out my resolutions, and it’s almost February. Time is moving with or without us, and that’s a really important lesson I have learned this year. I always had this little thing I now know is called Destination Addiction. I would always think when I have x amount of money I can invest in my content. When I have this fancy microphone I can make more videos. When I’m accepted to this program, when I move to this place, when I achieve this thing, I will be able to do what I am purposed to and ultimately, find happiness. I have learned over a long, very transitional feeling year, that you set yourself up to fail without even knowing that’s what’s happening when you live life that way. The next thing will never actually be enough, and if you’re not writing now when you have a notebook and many a pen, chances are you won’t be writing when you do get that fancy computer. Life is now, life is happening every single day.

I needed to ask myself what I really wanted from it. What did my ideal life look like. What were the steps I could take every day to get closer to that. Privilege is real, access is real, and of course this is the kind of thinking I can have because I live comfortably and my basic needs are catered for. In my reflections then, I realized that I actually do have more than I give myself and my circumstances credit for. I can do so much for myself that takes me closer to my goals whilst still reveling in, employing and celebrating this present moment.

places to see in ghana

In that way, the main theme that I am setting over my year is breaking the conditioning of Destination Addiction. I and my present circumstances are enough. I am worthy of my full love and dedication to betterment now. It’s honestly such a liberating life philosophy. We do not know our futures, today is the only time we have with certainty. I’m dedicating this year to really living in that and giving myself my best in the present while committing to God the visions and hopes I have for the future.

I hope you all have beautiful years, filled with experiences that push you and grow you. I’m really excited for this one.



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  1. I loved reading this! I didn’t realise how much I needed to hear this actually. I wish you all the best for the new year sis xoxo

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