how to develop a personal aesthetic instagram sense of style

Developing a Personal Aesthetic

how to develop a personal aesthetic instagram sense of style

If you’ve been a long time reader, or know me personally, you probably know that I’m an agonizer. I overthink everything and I love to just mull over things for days and days. One of the things I’m always one thinking session away from being consumed by, is this blog- the images I produce for it, the posts I write, how I want it to make my readers feel and whether that translates, and so on. More recently, for the last few months, I’ve been more and more invested in the look of it, and how my images look and what that communicates. I love visuals- like I spend my nights on Pinterest and still live on Tumblr- and so it’s really important to me that these images make you feel something, or make you think of beauty in a different way.

developing a personal aesthetic for your style instragram

I think through this blogging journey of mine, the thing I’m constantly asking myself is what do I want to communicate. Do I want to be where you come to shop, do I want to be where you come to talk about deeper things, do I want to be your like fashion authority. I think over time I’ve realized that I would love to be a healthy combination of those things but what I really want is for you to remember how things look if that makes sense. I want this to be an editorial experience and I don’t want my readers to feel like I’ve just thrown posts together for the hell of it. I’ve low-key done that a bit lately so I do apologize.

I really do spend hours on Instagram and on Bloglovin looking at blogs, and really just consuming an inordinate amount of visual content because I’m still trying to figure out what my personal aesthetic is- or at least develop one that I am comfortable with. Right now I’m in a bit of a toss up between these more warm/yellow toned photos because they have the nostalgic feel that I really like in pictures; and the more true to color and sharp photos that the v talented and super kind Opeimu does in his photos because they show my skin more truly and I know that that’s important especially for the darker women that do check for my images. I think my happy place would be somewhere in the balance of that so I will certainly be experimenting until I feel my chakras align.

visual communication developing a personal aesthetic

I would love to know how you guys feel about this. What’s been helpful for you for developing your personal aesthetic? Do you care about visuals? Do you care how this blog looks, and which styles do you prefer? Let me know!

As always, sending you love and light,


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