Genova and Clean Lines

‘For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.’

Hey Everyone!

I hope you’re all doing really well. It’s the end of the first month of the new year already. Crazy, I know.

I recently went on a day trip to Genova, and just walked around it thinking and such, as you do. The port is really beautiful, and it was warm there.

The thing that had been weighing on my mind most was being honest with myself about who I am, and what I actually care about. I’ve been finding, that especially in the way I dress, I’ve been trying to be someone that isn’t really me. My personality is very forward and straight to the point, and I like things to be clean and elegant but I’ve been trying to dress in a mix of bohemian/Afro hipster, and I found that I’m not very comfortable when I dress that way. I feel most confident in tailored pieces and oversized fits, minimal jewelry, things like that. To Genova, I wore this outfit, and it’s the best I’ve felt about myself in clothing probably ever.img_1277-1img_1275img_1283-1


If you’re curious about the verse I started this post, it relates to this in a way.

We are what we repeatedly do, what we feed our minds with, what we look at, what we listen to. The person you are today is a sort of product of everything you’ve been taught, or read up until now.

But I find that when we want, at least for me, to make changes- such as better time management or to be kinder, or to stop swearing- we don’t think about that person we want to become that way. I just keep saying, oh I have bad time management skills, without doing anything about it. Or I want to be more thankful, but never take time in my day to think about everything I have and everything I’m grateful for. Like the verse says, you are what you put inside you. If I talk with more thankful people, or I watch more speeches by my favorite writers, or read about the things I care about, I can then become someone who is more thankful, who has more informed opinions, I hope you understand me.

The person you want to be, it’s a process. It’s in changes you make everyday, like making a schedule and sticking with it one day at a time, like waking up and praying first instead of reaching for your phone, like putting things back in their place when you take them. Like reading two chapters of a book everyday.

How have your resolutions been going? I’d love to hear all about it and how your months have been.

I’m really appreciating my time away from school, although I miss my friends and I really miss the fam, I’m so blessed to be in Milan right now (it’s such a dream come true) and I’m reminding myself everyday of the little girl that wanted to travel the world, who now has the chance to.



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  1. Ah I love this. I’m constantly trying to become the person I want to be. Always removing aspects and people in my life that do not help me in this process and filling up with the positive.

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