
How to Create the Perfect Home Office

how to create the perfect home office
Photo Source : Pinterest


When I first made the decision to work from home, my first priority was creating a space in the house that I could treat as a home office. Our house doesn’t have a designated office space, and because I was gone for so long for school, I didn’t have my own bedroom either. Luckily, I was able to take over my brother’s bedroom as he moved out of the main house and I converted it into my own bedroom/studio/office space. Thanks to that pretty intensive process, I picked up a few key pieces of advice for anyone looking to create a work space in their home. These tips will be especially helpful if you don’t necessarily have a designated space for a home office. 


If this is possible in your home, pick a space that gets good daylight or is at least facing a window. The hours and hours you will spend sitting at a desk will go by easier and feel less like drudgery if you can look outside and remember there’s a world out there, or feel the sun on your skin from time to time. My desk space is right next to a window so I get a lot of daylight when I settle down for my work day. All that daylight does wonders for your mood and motivation. 


Picking out the desk was probably the part that took me the most umming and ahhing in the whole process. I wanted the desk to be functional, but I also needed it to be pretty and easy to style because I knew I would be using it as a backdrop in my Youtube videos. There were points when I almost settled and got something I didn’t quite love, and I am ultimately glad I stuck it out till I found something I was honestly satisfied with. I also took the time to style my desk so it would be nice to look at. I generally work better in pretty spaces, so I always try to put in the extra effort to make my spaces look nice. It could be something as easy as a photo you love, a plant, your favorite penholder– just a few touches to make the space [desk or surface in your house that’s convenient] feel more lived in and welcoming.

As an ending point here, also make sure you pick an office chair that’s actually good for your back. There are some very stylish chairs out there that will leave you hunching over and with back pain, so be sure to pick ergonomics over looks when it comes to that!

“Because you will be spending so much time in it, and you will be needing to self motivate to get everything done, creating a space you look forward to being in will make your home office a much more productive space.”


As much as is possible for you, you want the space you choose to be your office to be away from all possible distractions. Be this your TV, your phone, your kids, or your partner, you want your work space to be a distraction free zone. This might take some negotiating with a partner or family members if your new office is in shared space, but discussing what would help you work best and finding middle ground so you can actually work is key. Because my office space is in my room, closing the door is an easy way to signal that I’m working and would appreciate no distractions. If you have to work at a dining table or a kitchen table, or a space that gets more traffic, talk with the people you live with about how to make it a more usable space for you. 


I hope you are doing well, and you and your loved ones are safe. I also hope these tips help you in creating a home office where you can stay on top of your work obligations. Take care of yourself, 
