my 2018 resolutions


My 2018 Resolutionsmy 2018 resolutions

Hey fam! Today’s post is my 2018 resolutions post! I waited so long to post it because I wanted to work on some of them for the first few weeks of the year, without the pressure of calling them resolutions. Sometimes making resolutions for the new year just puts you in an anxious place. I know I’m hard on myself when I don’t immediately get my whole life together. This year, I’m working on being more forgiving with myself, and also creating resolutions that I can work on one day at a time.

My main focus for my resolutions this year was to make them as quantifiable as possible. I usually make resolutions like ‘I will eat healthier’, without understanding what healthier actually looks like in my daily life. I end up just forgetting the resolution by March because I didn’t set myself up right to meet it. That’s the over accruing resolution this year, is to give myself quantifiable goals and action steps to reach them. I hope you guys enjoy my list of resolutions and they inspire you with yours. Let me know what yours are too!

resolutions for the new year

Photos by Ghog Photography


  • Develop a closer relationship with God. Last year, as I mention in this video, I often felt quite dry in my faith. I felt very much without direction, and felt as if I was going through the motions quite a lot. This year, I want to work on that by being more intentional with the time I spend communing with God. I started a prayer journal that I write in every morning, and work through a different book of the Bible every month. The first thing I do when I wake up is write in my prayer journal, read the chapters I set out for that day, and work through those. Then, I also use a devotional and write what I learn from that in my journal as well. I do all this before I reach for my phone, and it’s been really helpful. The first thing you do in the morning is so important, and so starting my day with God sets me up to practice His presence throughout the day. It puts my life in godly perspective, and helps me not stress- and even when I do, to know whom to go to with my worries.
  • Be healthier! I think this is on everyone’s 2018 resolutions list. I have been so unhealthy for the last few years, and it’s really showing in my body. My resolution this year is to do 20-30 minutes of a HIIT workout every day, cut out sugar, and eat fewer carbs. My cousin is super into fitness and explained how eating higher protein foods, and eating vegetable based meals would help my body get back in shape. I haven’t started working on this yet because I’m home and still eating holiday food. But, as soon as I get back I will be on it.
  • Drink more water! This too I think is on everyone’s list. I started working on this last year. I got one of those water bottles that are like sippy cups, with a water filter. I got mine from Britta, and it’s been really good to keep me drinking water throughout the day.
  • Schedule my life, schedule, schedule! My friend got me a planner, which I so appreciate – shoutout Chris Lim- and I am planning on scheduling my life by the hour. With every hour pencilled in for what I need to do in the day, and what deadlines I have to work on, I’m hoping to use my time more wisely and be a better steward of it. Between class, my online platforms that I create content for, my jobs on campus, and my extra curricular commitments, I get quite swamped. I was very anxious last semester, and it was mainly because I planned very badly, honestly didn’t plan at all. This year, I will definitely become a planner because those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

I hope you guys are able to carry through with your resolutions so we can all be that much closer to our best selves by the end of the year. I am super excited for 2018, and I can’t wait to see what it brings us.

Sending love always,


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  1. I just came here to shout about how gorg you are and say that we don’t deserve you. Thanks.

  2. Gosh!! I love this blog post,we have a few resolutions in common.You are looking beautiful.
    All the best

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