My Favorite Sources of Inspiration for When I’m Feeling Dry

inspiration for fashion photography

Inspiration is one of those words that’s certainly used to death in the blogging space but I couldn’t think of any other ways to talk about what I plan to in this post. Blogging for me is a creative outlet, nurturing a desire to produce beautiful imagery via fashion that I kind of have always had but didn’t have the words or tools to articulate. If you go through my blog archives, especially from about 2014/2015, you’ll find that in a lot of my posts I talk about how dissatisfied I was with how my blog looked because I had this vision that I couldn’t seem to make translate. Like with many other art forms,I found that was it a matter of constantly doing it, and building that muscle over time. And over time I have invested in, and learned how to make the images and blog posts you see more true to the ideas in my head. That said, there are times when I feel very uninspired by what I’m putting out there, and the lack of posts on here last week speaks to that. I had pictures that I could have turned into blog posts, and I have several drafts that were never finished because I couldn’t honestly put them out. Thankfully, I am back in a place of loving the images I’m making- I think that’s because I’m feeling  more in control of my imagery as I am learning more editing things and how to photograph things- and I’m excited to share what I make with you. That said, I have found that in the times when I am feeling dry, there are certain different spots of the internet I run to, and I wanted to share them with you. Reader be warned, there are quite a few.


pinterest inspiration fashion phtotography

Pinterest is my favorite thing in all the world because wow. It’s a stream of endless gorgeous photography; so many visual experiments that do the most interesting things; so many plays with color; I could go on for days about how much this app has grown my visual sense, and how much inspiration I find on here but I’ll let this board I made speak for itself. Pinterest is just the absolute best place to find and curate inspiring photography.



asiyami gold

Asiyami Gold’s Instagram is probably the one I am most personally influenced by, and most in love with. I find her story super inspiring and love how well she expresses herself through her imagery. There’s a regal quality to every photograph that stuns me every time. Her travel imagery and her fashion sense all have a beautiful flow to them that makes her photos look alive. I definitely think seeing her account solidified for me my love for warm, brown tones and that rustic/sunset energy in a photograph. She always inspires me to think of more beautiful colors and to appreciate and experiment with different textures.


finding neema


muses uniform

Neema (left) is an academic and nomad extraordinaire. She has traveled throughout the African continent and diaspora, documenting her experiences through beautiful images that she shares on her insta. I love her feed for how personal it is, and how much of a sense of who she is you get from her photos. She also uses the warm tones that I so love in photography, and does interesting things with her poses and composition that I learn from all the time.

Nelly (right) is the woman behind muses uniform on Insta. I believe she is Parisian, and I live for her clean, vibrant and really quite maximalist approach to fashion photography. Her compositions are never boring; her use of pattern and texture is always so poignant, and every image of hers leaves me feeling like I’ve been told a story that I won’t forget for a long time.

These accounts all really help me when I’m in a rut. I learn a lot from them about voice, about personality, about photography and editing. There are a lot more that I go to for other things as well, and I think I’ll put together a Part 2 of this post to talk about them as well. I hope you guys found someone new to check out, or are going to get to creating a Pinterest account.

As always, sending you love and light,


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