On the rug : Argan Oil and Being

Trips to the drugstore are a painful process for me; especially if I’ve been reading fashion magazines or watching beauty YouTube videos. This means trips to the drugstore are always a pain. 

A few weeks ago I went to an Ulta to get some stuff- lotion, lip balm, nothing special. I had seen an ad for the L’Oreal Butterfly intenza mascara in Vogue and so really wanted to try that too so I figured I’d just grab those things and leave.

But then I got to Ulta and there was row and row of brands of mascara all promising different things. Lengthening, strengthening, volumizing – and so naturally what happened was I forgot all about the Vogue ad and agonized over mascara for close to an hour. Then I agonized over nude lipstick, but that’s for another day.

I ended up getting the Argan Oil Wonderlash mascara by Rimmel London. It promised a moisturizing, clump free, natural looking mascara experience so I thought, why not. Also, I feel like Argan oil is the new Shea butter. It makes everything better and people just put it in everything. Paracetamol with a dash of Argan oil please. 

* I digress* I got the Argan oil body wash thing from The Body Shop, and it’s nice but I do not know what came over me. That thing costs some real money eh. Never again. 

Anyhow, the mascara, I do like the way it looks on. It makes your lashes look naturally long and it’s not as dark as other mascaras can be which I like. I also like it because I wear very light makeup when I do and so this blends nicely. 

It surprises me sometimes that I don’t wear more makeup. I have acne scars and dark spots and pigmentation that could be covered but for some reason I usually don’t . It’s probably because I’m too lazy to. I was always afraid also of people judging me because I wore makeup. I used to give my best friend so much shade for wearing mascara I remember. Tbh I didn’t wear makeup because I didn’t think it would make much of a difference to my face. I didn’t think it could be fixed. I remember we went to Zara one time and I was wearing eyeliner and mascara and I looked in the mirror and I thought I looked  like a hooker. I just looked at the eyeliner against my dark skin and really didn’t like what I saw. It helped my idea that my face would just never be beautiful and I was just kinda stuck with it. 

Over time, that’s changed. I feel a lot better about how I look yes, but more importantly I’m more comfortable being me, looking like me, and admitting I like some things such as makeup. You know when you want to do something but can’t and other people are doing it, how jealous you get? That used to be me. It was not cute.

That tube of Argan oil mascara reminds me that naturally me is tutt’okay. 

Peace, love and funk,


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