Five Ways To Always Look Put Together

Five Ways To Always Look Put Together

Photocredit : Me, photographing street style in Milan A few days ago, I had a friend tell me I always look fashionable, even when I’m wearing sweatpants. It’s a really sweet compliment, even if I know it’s only partially true, but thought I would dabble into more how-to blogging and share what I think helps to create that sense of my looking nice- basically my cheat sheet for my personal…

90s Lookbook

90s Lookbook

Hiiii guys I’m super pumped about the post today! My friend and soon to become famous documentary maker Anna helped me film my very first look book! I made her watch a bunch of videos and just said I’d like to do one, and after a lot of procrastination we got around to it, and tadum, tadaa. Click Here to find this glorious video! So many exclamation marks but it’s exciting…