Five Ways To Always Look Put Together

Five Ways To Always Look Put Together

Photocredit : Me, photographing street style in Milan A few days ago, I had a friend tell me I always look fashionable, even when I’m wearing sweatpants. It’s a really sweet compliment, even if I know it’s only partially true, but thought I would dabble into more how-to blogging and share what I think helps to create that sense of my looking nice- basically my cheat sheet for my personal…

Genova and Clean Lines

Genova and Clean Lines

‘For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.’ Hey Everyone! I hope you’re all doing really well. It’s the end of the first month of the new year already. Crazy, I know. I recently went on a day trip to Genova, and just walked around it thinking and such, as you do. The port is really beautiful, and it was warm there. The thing that had been…