The Perfect Floral Dress for Summer

The Perfect Floral Dress for Summer

  My first ever blog post was on floral dresses and how I could never find any good ones. It seems only fitting that I come back with this gorgeous floral after my rather long hiatus. Blogging for me is a way to share my style journey with you, and to document for myself the way that my tastes change. It serves to remind me that I also am forever…

Spring is Here!

Spring is Here!

Hello my loves! How are you all? It feels like such a long time since I posted here. I think it’s due to that I’ve been posting photo heavy without text, but I’m back. And even better, spring is here! It’s officially spring on this side of the world and while it’s still quite grey it does mean better times coming very soon. The Springtime for me is all about…

Milan Starter Kit

Milan Starter Kit

Hi guys!  It’s great to be back! As you can probably tell from the title, I am currently in Milan. I chose to do a semester abroad here, and so far it’s a really nice city. I have seen no black people here, but that’s a conversation for another time. Before I came, a girl who had also studied abroad in Milan told me that Milanese people only wear black…



                This dress has been with me a decent amount of time. When I was in my first year of high school, I went to a boarding school btw, I was really out of it a lot; it takes me a while to make friends and open up to people so I was just not feeling settled in most of the time. I went on to have…

The Last Days of Summer 

The Last Days of Summer 

   I stole this romper. And I am not ashamed. It’s Anna’s, and I’ve been looking through her closet a bit lately and finding things I like..what are friends for, no? It was such a beautiful day out, and we’d gone to a barbecue and life was feeling doable, the long weekend had everyone in high spirits also. I love the colours of summer, and how alive and vibrant everything…