Five Ways To Always Look Put Together

Five Ways To Always Look Put Together

Photocredit : Me, photographing street style in Milan A few days ago, I had a friend tell me I always look fashionable, even when I’m wearing sweatpants. It’s a really sweet compliment, even if I know it’s only partially true, but thought I would dabble into more how-to blogging and share what I think helps to create that sense of my looking nice- basically my cheat sheet for my personal…

Genova and Clean Lines

Genova and Clean Lines

‘For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.’ Hey Everyone! I hope you’re all doing really well. It’s the end of the first month of the new year already. Crazy, I know. I recently went on a day trip to Genova, and just walked around it thinking and such, as you do. The port is really beautiful, and it was warm there. The thing that had been…

Milan Starter Kit

Milan Starter Kit

Hi guys!  It’s great to be back! As you can probably tell from the title, I am currently in Milan. I chose to do a semester abroad here, and so far it’s a really nice city. I have seen no black people here, but that’s a conversation for another time. Before I came, a girl who had also studied abroad in Milan told me that Milanese people only wear black…

What I Wear : Thrifted

What I Wear : Thrifted

Hello hello, The summer has been great so far, and after an exciting five weeks abroad I’m back on campus with nothing to do. I am rather restless most of the time which is surprising because I usually have nothing against just lounging. I just really want to do something and so I’ve applied for a ton of jobs. We’ll see how that goes. Anyhow, the outfit today    I…

What I Wear : Flatforms…or platforms?

What I Wear : Flatforms…or platforms?

Hello there, So if you follow my Instagram you might have noticed that my bio says I love cross body bags and Flatforms. The real deal is, I never used to own a pair of Flatforms but I always liked the way they looked, and Jen from Clothes Encounters on YouTube has a ton of them and styles them incredibly well. I thought they looked really comfortable and were a…