On The Rug : On Black Sisters’ Street

On The Rug : On Black Sisters’ Street

This is one of the most heart wrenching books I have ever read, and to be honest it’s because I feel myself to some extent mirrored in it. It’s a story about girls who leave Nigeria for the promise of a better life for them and their families abroad. It’s a story we all can identify with somehow- in some way most of us have left something familiar and comfortable…

What I Wear : Basic College Kid

What I Wear : Basic College Kid

  (My face every Monday) In Ghana I was all over American high school movies- Jon Tucker must Die, HSM, you know the ones I’m talking about. You know, with the jocks, and the cheerleaders, and the film geeks, and the regular geeks. So when I found I was coming to college here, I was a teeny bit excited to see if that actually applied, and if girls actually walked…