TGIF: All About You 2

Last week, I did the first All about you post on being your best friend, something I picked up from Freddie from her SHE Unleashed series.

This week, I want to make it more about becoming someone you like, or recognizing that you are someone you like. You can’t be your own best friend if you don’t like who you are, and I feel like that’s one of the main reasons most of us aren’t very good to ourselves.

To start this challenge off, I’d like to suggest a bit of an exercise this week. Be yourself completely. And I mean, completely. You know those thoughts that come into your head and you immediately silence? Let them out. Try to do something you’ve never done. See a movie you would usually never see…or don’t if that’s not your thing. For this week, or at least for two days, let yourself be yourself without any hindrances or apologies. By the end of those two days or week, you’ll have a pretty fair idea what you really like and don’t; what you really think and don’t, and who you really like and don’t. I know I used to say I’m open and always down to meet new people but that’s not entirely true. I am really careful with people, and while I do recognize that we can always learn something new from people and we all have something unique to add to the world, I also don’t particularly feel the need to learn from everyone if you understand. I’m reserved, not shy, but reserved. There’s a difference, as Edith said. Shout out to the only other Amoafoa I know.

I digress.

The point here is that sometimes we are so influenced by other people’s opinions or what they will think of us, or even some mental picture of ourselves that we have created that we delude ourselves into thinking we’re something we’re not. That idea could be someone we like or someone we don’t like- but the problem is that it’s not real.

If you try new things, you’ll learn if doing that is your thing or of you prefer to stick with what you know or if you’re somewhere in the middle, life is spilling over with grey areas. As you allow your knee jerk responses to show, you’ll learn what you really think about things- maybe you don’t even like Beyonce, or maybe you really can’t wait for Frank Ocean’s new album *subtle hint at you Frankie*

When you’re more certain about what your ideas about life really are then you can assess whether that’s how you want to continue. You could find, wait I really like the person I am, or wait, I really need to change that. Maybe you’ll realize that you’re very negative about things, about yourself or other people, or that you treat others disrespectfully; or that you’re the sweetest person you know.

Either way, after you figure out some of who you are, then you can try to make that person someone you would want to best friends with or just go, why have I not been treating myself like the gold mine that I am.

College is approaching, as is high school and all those places have a ton of different influences attacking you from every angle all the time. It’s important to go in having a firm understanding of who you are and how you work so you don’t end up carried away by every wind that blows.

This whole thing about learning who you are and loving that is something I really have trouble with and so I’m really struggling to do but I do think in the end the pay off is worth it so I hope you all try along with me.

Also, on a completely unrelated note but just as important, it’s my friend Yaa Boatemaa’s birthday!!! She turns 19 today which is very exciting, and she is the funniest, smartest, sweetest person I know, and has probably done more dishes in her lifetime than all my friends combined. The love is real Maya.

Another side note, check out this interview that  Nodumo did with Vodka Coconuts here. As always, killing the game Nodumo.

K, I’m out

Peace, love and funk,


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