What I Wear : Moules Frites

I’m such a cool badass.   

No, not really.

When Ghislin and I were taking these pictures I was trying to pull the whole sultry thing. It sort of worked ish but I like the pictures where I’m laughing better.


In my last TGIF I mentioned some of my favourite music. This ouTfit is inspired by Stromae.

I’ve mentioned before how I love multi purpose clothing. I also really like wearing things in different ways. Just because it came as a dress doesn’t mean that’s all it can ever be. Like this maxi dress I got from H&M which I wear as a skirt sometimes.

Clothing, much like life, is whatever you want it to be.
I apologize for the absence of a post yesterday. I had a really hurried trip and I am so tired and exams are coming up. Gahhhh.

To compensate, here are some of my feeling cool pictures.




Peace, love, and funk,



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